The Song of the Arachnid
Glimpse a lacework of diamonds
glistening gloriously in the sun.
Spy a spider crawling quietly
across a tightrope
follow her as she swings with grace
to the other side.
Watch her weave a mesh of silk strands
follow her as she drops
to the ground.
See her scuttle to a crumbled shelter,
she loves an Autumn gift.
Drainpipe touches brickwork,
feel the warmth within.
Rain threatens to drown the ground,
and all who dwell within.
Look! She feels her way through cervices made to fit.
Perfect for her abdomen physique.
Exoskeleton, four pairs of legs
many eyes gleam.
Humans, with our web of lies
Can she sense the fear in my eyes?
A broken home heedlessly brushed aside.
Phobia! Fright!
Scream of dread
let her run free or
end up dead.