Work from home
Reach for the smart phone
Doom scroll through Facebook, ABC news, Twitter.
How many cases today?
Promises of coffee,
Pull off the covers, sit up.
New exposure sites! Cases on the up,
Pull the covers over my face, cannot face the day.
Turn on the heater,
Let the dogs outside,
The smell of burnt toast follows me through the kitchen.
Into the office, laptop on, set up the day.
How many meetings?
How many fake smiles will I need?
Look out the window,
dogs digging in the garden. They’re bored too.
The kid next door plays their Recorder again,
More parcels at the door,
The postman knows me now.
Another meeting that could’ve been an email,
you’re on mute.
How’s lockdown life? They always ask.
Smile and nod, it is what it is.
Monday again.